About Me
Hello! my name is Brandon Zurita, I’m a Canadian designer graduated from OCAD university and owner of Zurita Design. On this site you can find all kinds of work that I’ve done in the past and continue to do now! Over the years I have really found a passion for design and branding and am always excited to see and learn new methods or softwares to create and experiment for various projects which can be very valuable to creating something new and exciting! That being said I am well versed from my studies and other experiences with the Adobe creative suite, some HTML/CSS, Figma, typography and many other aspects and applications used in the industry. 

Although design is one of my main passions I also really enjoy hockey, music, video games, and any kind of adventure!

If you like my work and would like to learn more about me you can contact me by pressing the button below, would love to learn more about your brand and am looking forward to helping you take it to the next level in anyway I can!